Harmful Mouth Related Habits That Damage Your Teeth

Your teeth can sustain damages due to various reasons besides accidents and sports-related incidents. Mouth-related habits cause more harm than you may think but may continue with the practices despite warnings from general dentistry to avoid them and prevent the need for expensive repairs. General and family dentistry practitioners frequently advise their patients not to indulge in harmful mouth-related habits... read more »

Why Preventive Dentistry Is Vital For Your Oral Health Regimen?

Preventive dentistry helps to prevent oral health issues. It keeps your gums, teeth healthy to prevent tooth decay and gum diseases. Preventive dentistry allows your dentist to monitor your oral health, prevent serious diseases, and promote healthy oral habits. Dental issues can develop even after proper oral care and routine brushing and flossing. Preventive dentistry is important for ​the prevention... read more »

How to Prepare for a Tooth Extraction?

Losing a tooth as a child was blissful. People will congratulate you and the tooth fairy will even reward you for the loss of a tooth. Losing a tooth when you grow older is different, instead of being happy, you will experience severe pain that will stay with you for some time. No one wants to lose a tooth as... read more »

Are Dental Sealants Safe?

A hygienic oral cavity prolongs the longevity of teeth. Proper brushing and flossing can also keep dental ailments and cavities at bay. A healthy mouth is also a reflection of a healthy individual. Apart from chewing the food, teeth also play a vital role in speaking distinctly. Poor oral hygiene leads to the accumulation of plaque and tartar that proves... read more »

Everything You Need to Know About Dental Fillings

Having a dental cavity should not automatically equate to losing your natural teeth. Even though dental decay is the leading cause of tooth loss globally, it does not have to be your story. Once you spot a cavity on your tooth, seek treatment near you. Procedures like oral fillings have been used over the years to help restore the health... read more »

Reasons Why You Need Emergency Dental Care

No one enjoys a dental problem. Emergencies can occur at any time of the day without warning. And sometimes we see the signs but might choose to ignore them. These signs might be life-threatening. We shouldn’t overlook signs that connect to a dental problem. A dental emergency is nothing like a dental checkup that includes regular cleaning, X-rays, and consultation. Generally,... read more »

An Overview of How Tooth Fillings Work

Our teeth are susceptible to cavities due to the damage caused by tooth decay. Tooth decay takes place when foods rich in carbohydrates or sugar are left on the teeth. After some time, bacteria in the mouth turn the food into acids which combine with saliva to form plaque. Plaque sticks to the teeth and dissolves your enamel. This creates... read more »

5 Ways You’re Hurting Your Teeth

Most people are already aware that they need to brush and floss every day to ensure healthy teeth and gums. However, proper dental hygiene isn’t the sole determinant of your oral health. Individuals who brush and floss diligently are still susceptible to dental problems, often because of other loopholes they aren’t aware of. We have compiled five ways you may... read more »

Confident Smile Dentistry