How Can Dental Sealants Heal And Restore Your Molar Teeth?

Dental sealants are an excellent remedy to prevent cavities on your molars whenever they develop, resulting from food particles and dental plaque causing enamel erosion. Your molars are increasingly susceptible to cavities because they have deep depressions and grooves where you might find it challenging to clean your teeth. Microorganisms feeding on the food particles trapped on your molars deposit... read more »

What Are the Dental Treatment Options for Tooth Decay?

The best treatment option for tooth decay is to detect it early or prevent it by following the suggestions given by the dentist in Pinellas Park. Tooth decay causes cavities and holes in your teeth that begin humbly to gradually expand when left untreated. Cavities don’t cause pain in the initial stages, making it challenging to realize you have a... read more »

What Are Composite Dental Fillings, and Why Do You Need Them?

Statistics reveal that the average American has no less than three tooth fillings. Isn’t that shocking? In a way, it is; however, tooth fillings are placed as a restorative treatment after decay has destroyed a part of the tooth. Plus, dental fillings near you are popular since they are the least invasive restorative treatment that can help restore your smile... read more »

How Can Orthodontics Improve Your Oral Health?

What Is Orthodontics? It is a specialty of dentistry concerned with the alignment of jawbone and positioning of teeth. Orthodontics in Pinellas Park invests in straightening malpositioned teeth and realigning jawbones to correct improper bites. Orthodontics is one of the areas of dentistry that relies heavily on oral appliances to treat dental issues. In any orthodontic treatment, you require to wear a... read more »

All You Need to Know About Dental Inlays and Onlays

What Are Dental Inlays and Onlays? They are indirect dental restorations that dentists in Pinellas Park use to repair and restore damaged teeth. Onlays and inlays treatment is unique because it is only employed as an alternative to other dental restorations. Ideally, a dentist in Confident Smile Dentistry will use inlays and onlays treatment when the restoration material necessary is too big... read more »

Five Significant Reasons To Choose Dental Implants

Losing the milk teeth is a natural process that must occur at about six to seven. When this happens, permanent teeth grow to replace them., expected to serve their purpose throughout your lifetime. The loss of permanent teeth is not natural and is only caused forcefully through improper care, accidents, etc. Although there is no natural replacement for missing permanent... read more »

Why Choose Invisalign Over Traditional Braces?

Most people like to look their best and feel confident in what they wear and how they present themselves. But, did you know that if your teeth are misaligned it can impair your speech and cause you to feel embarrassed by the way your teeth look? Some of the most common causes are jaw growth, missing teeth, impact injuries, excessive... read more »

Which Treatment is Best for Teeth Whitening?

The discoloration is one of the most common problems that people face with their teeth. It is natural for teeth to discolor, but it can also be caused by several things. Certain diseases may be responsible for tooth enamel erosion and discoloration. These include gum disease, dental cavities, gingivitis, or periodontitis. Certain medications, like antibiotics, can also cause tooth enamel... read more »

Fluoride Treatment: Who Needs It and Its Role in Preventive Dentistry

Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral compound proven to prevent tooth decay by making your teeth more resistant to decay. Fluoride dental treatment is a painless, simple procedure and only takes a few minutes to complete. Fluoride can be used in the form of fluoride varnish for adults. Be sure to talk to our dentist near you at Confident Smile... read more »

Five Myths & Facts of Root Canals You Must Understand

A recommendation to undergo root canal therapy to eradicate an infection inside your tooth will likely make you cringe with fear. Everyone has misconceptions about this treatment that help remove your infected and inflamed dental pulp and provide relief from the excruciating pain you feel when biting or chewing foods, having hot or cold beverages, besides causing other problems. You... read more »

Confident Smile Dentistry